

E-commerce could create 3 million jobs in Africa in next 6 years

African businesses what does that mean to you?Online marketplaces establishing themselves across Africa, could create around 3 million new jobs…
bizplan pic

10 steps to turn your idea into a startup

Everyone has at least one idea for the next big thing. What makes startup founders different is their willingness to…
Business Funding

Funding For SA Women Entrepreneurs

Funding for South Africa women entrepreneurs is not a myth. Female entrepreneurs are growing in numbers, but without access to…

How much does a business plan cost in South Africa?

How much does a business plan cost in South Africa? New entrepreneurs seeking business plan consultants or services in South…

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  • 90 Rivonia Road, Sandton

    Johannesburg, South Africa

  • +44 7368 942139

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Bplans Africa is a premier business development company based in Johannesburg, Gauteng. We help entreprenuers to develop their businesses from concept to inception through custom advisory and implementation of strategy.

Please note that all office visits/consultation are strictly by appointment.

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